La primera inmersión de los niñ@s al fascinante mundo de los algoritmos y el código, usando un formato basado en juegos y fomentando el pensamiento lógico.
Aprenden los fundamentos de la programación en Scratch, un lenguaje diseñado para niñ@s. Crean proyectos simples, desde animaciones básicas a juegos y caricaturas reales.
Todos los niñ@s son únicos, pero a todos los gusta una cosa ¡videojuegos! Les enseñamos cómo diseñar el suyo propio, y a dar los primeros pasos en esta profesión que está muy solicitada.
Hay niños que sueñan con convertirse no en actores, sino en directores, para poder compartir su visión del mundo con los demás. Hay niños que no quieren jugar, sino crear sus propios universos. Este curso es para ellos.
Aprenden a programar en Python — uno de los lenguajes de programación más populares en el mundo. Llegarán a poner sus conocimientos en práctica, creando programas para el estudio, el entretenimiento y la vida cotidiana
Aprenden a programar en Python y prueban sus habilidades en los campos de TI más orientados al futuro, desde el desarrollo de videojuegos, trabajo con HTML, CSS, en el desarrollo de páginas web y mucho más.
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Cursos Intensivos
¡Aprovecha el momento! Si durante el curso has querido apuntarte a alguno de nuestros cursos pero no has podido por diferentes motivos, este es tu momento de aprender en un curso intensivo.
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The Coding Knight
Kids' first dive into the fascinating world of algorithms and code, using a play-based format and with an emphasis on developing logical thinking
for young children
The basics and practice
We work out what programming is for, how to put together our first code, and get busy creating our own programs
Learning through play
We play at every stage of our classes: when we're studying new topics, by doing physical activities, and when solving tasks on the platform
Preparation for school
We study the basics of math, solve logical tasks and learn to communicate, to work in a team, and to find agreement with each other
Your child
will learn to
Apply basic programming concepts in practice – algorithms, loops, memory blocks, servers, and conditions
Logically reflect on and find different solutions to problems, and search for information by themselves
Be part of a team – distributing tasks, reaching joint decisions, and taking responsibility
Create their own projects and talk about them in interesting ways – what this part's for, why it's needed and how it works
The children learn programming basics in Scratch, a language designed for kids. Our students create simple projects, from basic animations to real games and cartoons.
We study We play
We create
Programming basics
We teach students to understand the logic behind coding without complicated programming languages. The kids get to develop their own programs in Scratch.
First steps in IT
Students pass through the full cycle of creative project development they'll use as adults: from initial ideas and plans to working in a team and presentations
A project portfolio
Our students put together at least 20 projects, including an animated calling card, a cartoon with voiceover and a game with multiple levels and obstacles
Your child
will learn to
To develop algorithms using sequences, operators and loops
To check their own and other students' programs and correct errors, like a real tester
To be part of a team: they'll distribute tasks and take responsibility for their job
To create their own projects and talk about them in interesting ways – what this part's for, why it's needed and how it works
Kids learn to code in Python — one of the most popular programming languages in the world. They get to apply their knowledge in practice, creating programs for study, entertainment and everyday life
A solid start
in programming
Hands-on learning
Kids start creating games and apps right from their first classes, studying the tools and terminology they need as they progress
A deep dive into IT
In the form of a game, our students take a journey from an interview with an IT company to becoming a lead developer
Nurturing project thinking
By completing orders, students learn how to allocate tasks in a team, plan their time effectively and work towards their goals
learn to
Write code in Python, and understand its syntax and basic data types (within 2 months)
Create computer apps and make them user-friendly (within 5 months)
Develop games with multiple levels using Python's professional libraries (within a year)
Work in a team and create their own projects, from the basic idea to presentation (by the end of their second year)